About our School

Our School is one of Tanzania Best Secondary Schools.
Endeavour for Achievement and the single-minded philosophy that hard work and consistent effort bring their own rewards will drive the school strategically as it develops into a beacon of academic excellence for Tanzania and East Africa.

Yohannes Secondary School was established as a private school to provide Secondary Education for both boys and girls for O-level and Advanced level aiming to make students to achieve a future of prosperity and archive participation in national and international developmental challenges. The school has been designed by top architects and builds to the highest standard. Its environment provide high degree of security contort and good food which are very essential for any good learning and teaching environment. Yohannes Secondary School knows sensitivity to the medical problems and barriers which face students when they are at school. So the school has dispensary which has professional doctor and nurse who have been helping the students to the maximum to recover soon when get any medical problem.

Generally, Yohannes Secondary School has been providing quality education for all students which help them to achieve a future of property.

The A level subject combinations offered are (History Geography Language (HGL) , History Kiswahili Language (HKL), History Geography Economics (HGE) , History Geography Kiswahili (HGK), Physics Chemistry Mathematics (PCM), Physics Chemistry Biology (PCB) Economics, Commerce Accountancy (ECA), Physics Geography Mathematics (PGM), Chemistry Biology Geography (CBG) and Economics Geography mathematics (EGM).

Computers and the Commercial WorldInformation and Communications Technology (ICT) is the vital part of the timetable. Every student spends a minimum of two lessons a week in the dedicated computer suite and they sit the Computer Studies examination for Form 2 and 4. All computers are connected to the internet all the time so that to help students to attend e- learning programs under supervision of teachers. Information and communications technology is taught for two periods per week, and is an examinable subject at form IV.

International Languages

The school is exclusively English-medium, with Swahili as a second language. English is taught by a variety of modern, highly interactive methods, including conversation seminars to ensure that all students reach the high degree of spoken fluency required to operate successfully in higher education and in the modern workplace. English at YOHANNES SEC SCHOOL is not just about reading and writing. English is a spoken language and all graduates speak it with genuine fluency

Sport and Learning

In addition to the main curriculum there are broad and stimulating range of sports and other activities the school offers. Currently, the students play netball, football, volleyball and basketball, but there is a need to expand to other key sports essential to develop healthy minds and bodies.

Organic Food

Food served in the school’s refectory is by and large organic. Most vegetable and fruit ingredients are supplied. The menus change daily to ensure balance of protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins.


Yohannes secondary school cherishes environment conservation in its totality. Natural ecology has been maintained all through from the planning stage to the implementation. Students are taught to respect nature and their surroundings, and engage in landscaping the school. It is intended to make available ,through the computer network, a series of links to websites dealing responsibly with environmental matters especially relevant to Tanzania and to ensure that interactive programmes and documents dealing with environmental issues are available on the internal network. It is also intended to obtain the services.

Sr. Agatha D. Mtawa Headmistress

Sr. Agatha D. Mtawa  Headmistress
